Muriel Thomas
INRA, Micalis Institute, France
Muriel Thomas is a Senior Scientist at INRA and her projects focus on the health benefits sustained by diet and microbes. She leads the group microbiota and epithelia which has contributed to a better understanding of the dynamic dialogue installed between the intestinal epithelium and microbiota. Her expertise is based on the use of germ-free and gnotobiotic rodents combined with cellular tools and the isolation of new beneficial microbes. Recently, she has developed a new area of expertise around the microbes found in lungs and regulating the susceptibility to respiratory diseases like asthma. The group combines approaches at the frontier between physiology, microbiology, and nutrition. In addition, her engagement in public health agency (ANSES) and nutrition-specialized societies (SFNEP) is an asset to adapt her projects with the public health priorities, regulatory framework and food safety policy.
Abstract : Microbiota of lung: Still an exploited source of probiotics?